Obfuscation of Reality Upholds White Supremacy
Obfuscation of Reality Upholds White Supremacy_Black-Lives-Matter_2020_text.jpg
Obfuscation of Reality Upholds White Supremacy
Obfuscation of Reality Upholds White Supremacy

Digital print

90 x 175 cm

In 2018, Obfuscation was painted reflecting on how we are conditioned into certain ways of thinking and our current oppressive modes of social ordering came to be and are maintained. Text overlay was added in 2020, in response to call from creative producer Wezi Mhura to participate in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Mural Trail in Scotland.

Printed and displayed at Castle Mills, Edinburgh Printmakers.

Obfuscation of Reality Upholds White Supremacy_Black-Lives-Matter_2020_text.jpg